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  • Writer's pictureThe Gargyle

The Exorcist - 1973 (review)

Day 56 in 60 Days of Halloween continues Fear of Being a Bad Horror Movie Geek Week, in which Eric and I admit major gaps in our horror knowledge and watch iconic horror movies that we hate to admit that we have never seen before. While this fear is certainly drastically different in tone from the rest of the weeks so far (and definitely more tongue-in-cheek in terms of discussing "real" fears) it is still genuine...ish. So, we are going to face our fear head-on and reveal some of the iconic horror movies that we are finally getting around to viewing for the first time. Up next is another one of my picks, The Exorcist - a.k.a. World's Worst Music Video for REM's Losing My Religion (the movies this week are iconic horror movies. Practically everyone knows at least the basic plot of them, so it's a little pointless to provide a brief description. Instead, I'll be providing dumb alternative titles).

If you enjoy this episode, check out our previous 60 Days of Halloween coverage and be sure to check back tomorrow as we continue Fear of Being a Bad Horror Movie Geek Week with another one of Eric's picks, Child's Play.

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